This blog is made as an update on my life at RCNUWC 2011-'13, as well as it is for remembering and reflecting on all the memories myself.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Christmas in my corner
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Health Day
On Friday, the 25th of November, all first years had a ”Health Day.” Health Day is a tradition at school and happens every year, while second years have a flexi-day to catch up on studying and go talk to the last visiting universities. The program for Health Day is different from year to year though. Our second years had a day with focus on sleep, presented through lectures, while we had a really fun day with workshops and games.
From here on we had an hour-long presentation in the auditorium, and then we went to play games with out houses for half an hour. For the rest of the day we had four workshops, depending on what we had signed up for individually. The two before lunch were supposed to be exercise workshops, where the two after lunch should be more presentations. Mine wer
1) Dog Walking
I mostly chose this workshop, because the description said “Walking dogs – Chris.” Chris is my (very funny) physics teacher and it sounded like a very nice way to start the day. A bunch of teachers came with their dogs and Lucy (
2) Zumba
My second workshop was Zumba. Zumba is a way of exercising through combining different styles of dancing and it is actually very hard, but also unbelievably funny. I think most of the fun came from our group of people in the workshop, all not caring if we looked like idiots and just laughing at each other and ourselves, when we didn’t know the moves.
3) Sleep Management
This was the only workshop left when I signed up, so even though I thought it would be a cliché with “minimum 8 hours a night” and “sleep is very important” I signed up and I’m very happy I did. The workshop was held by our school nurse; Thomas, and even though he of course mentioned the things above, he also focused on giving us good tricks on how to sleep and what to do, to get the best out of it, because everybody knows that reality here isn’t getting 8 hours.
In the end of the workshop he showed us a good way to fall asleep, if we were having problems with that, and then he let us all lay and relax for about 5 minutes.
4) Time Management
The Time Management workshop was held by three second year students and it was mainly them telling what ways they personally found working for them, when studying or in general planning their time here, and then telling us to find our own patterns. It was also a very good one.
To end a healthy day I, as any other Friday, went to Friday Ball Games and played football. Since it’s getting pretty cold outside (snow is coming back on the mountain tops) a lot of people are dropping football and playing sports inside, so this Friday we were only 5 people on each time, so I got to play a lot. It was a lot of fun! J
At last: a cozy corner-picture from my blog-writing night :)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Kitchen Duty
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Frosty Weather
Monday, November 14, 2011
Prague Pictures
Flekke Pictures
Nothing can get me down
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
In honor of the break
Friday, November 4, 2011
Break is coming!
So even though this has been a bit of a special day, I figured I would give you an example of a day.
Today, I got up at 5:45, put on some clothes, brushed my teeth, grabbed my back (yes, you get all the details :P) and went to pick up my second year; Oliver. We then met my other second year; Marie, and went to the pool. It went as a normal morning swim: about 4-5 danes in the pool and about 4-5 others, 1 kilometer, a little bit of sauna and then oatmeal for breakfast :D
It is quite funny to observe people during breakfast.
In 3 days, I'm going to Prague.