For the first 15 years of my life, I lived in the same country, in the same city, in the same apartment and to some instinct in the same surroundings. The only thing that changed was moving from a local school, to a school further away, that was actually different in a lot of ways, by for example gathering people from a much bigger area into one school, because we all had one interest in common: Music.
After graduating from that school (Sankt Annæ Gymnasium) in 2009, I went on my first big journey in life; an exchange year. For 10 months, I lived in Indiana, USA and from here one, my dream of an international life became unstoppable - even though the dream had been there long before.
At the moment, I am attending Red Cross Nordic United World College (RCNUWC), in Flekke, Norway, from where I will graduate in May 2013.
Where life is gonna take me from here, I cannot answer yet, but stay tuned and you will most likely find out.
I hope you enjoy my blogs.
Best regards,
France 2011 |