Actually a lot of things are.. Today I realized I have a ton of blogs about experiences ready to write and too little time. They will come! The thing that is for sure is that I am NOT born with skis on my feet, like a lot of the other Nordics :)
Yesterday I came back from an amazing ski-week or "friluftsveka" with all the first years and I must admit that it was one of the best experiences here so far.
We were split into four groups, 25 in each, and we all, in different order, went through two days of cross country skiing, one duty day at the hostel (helping in the kitchen and cleaning) and one day of down-hill.
Sunday we arrived at Stryn Youth Hostel and two groups at a time we went out for 1-2 hours and tried out having skis on. Monday my group went down hill and if you showed that you could stop properly and turn, they allowed you to move from the baby slope to the big slopes. After lunch they let me go up, but I didn't because I am so terribly afraid of heights and the lifts were gonna kill me. Tuesday we had our duty day. I made breakfast and evening snack, so I had the day off to go into Stryn and check out a 'real' shopping mall (not very big though) :) Wednesday we had our first day of cross country in the rain and snow, so we were all soaked in the end, so far not anything that exceptional.
Then Wednesday night I went on an optional Lavvo trip and slept a night in a tent in the snow with 15 others. It was AMAZING! We had so much fun and though it was a little cold, it was totally worth it. From here it was awesome enough to make up for every other rainy day. The next day of cross country was full of sunshine and dry weather and therefore good moods. We got to talk to a lot of different people that we have not talked a lot to yet, shared rooms with new people, talked more to the teachers and basically just had a lot of fun, not thinking of the IB and activities, but just focusing on having a good time and sharing this together.
So through the falling, the rain, the tiredness and the Swedes and Norwegians making fun of the non-skiing Dane and pushing her down ( :) ), the sun, the fun and the long-run made up for everything. It made us closer as a class and it gave us a new boost of energy to go back and rock this UWC world.

Group 1 - after the Swedes pushed me down again

The Lavvo we slept in, the day after when we took it down

Go Hostel!

After a looong day of skiing, waiting for the roommates to be done showering :)