To end this Christmas weekend off, we had our big Christmas Show last night and a Christmas and Carol-singing café today, hosted by one of our humanitarian groups SaFuGe (Save the Future Generations) who every year collect money to build a school.
The show was good. By now I know who can sing and who can dance and sometimes I feel, it would be better with fewer shows, but more originality. Then again, I'm not sure it would help.
Every show consists of some PAM numbers (Performing Arts Music EAC) and some choir music, some Asian/African/Other dance and some sketches. Of course it varies, but I must admit that it is the sketches that impress the most, since they have to be original. The music is very good and so are the dances, but again, it's nothing new.
Also, I was doing lights are usual, so I'd seen all acts already at dress-rehearsal, which might also be why I'm never as impressed. When I see the acts the first time, they're still not completely done, but when the rest of the school sees them, the acts are done, well-rehearsed and probably leaves them with a much better impression.
Today, I went to the café. We sang carols in all kinds of languages, drank hot chocolate, ate cake, talked and enjoyed the last weekend of the term. This of course makes you really realize that 1/4 of your stay here is about to be over.. ALREADY! I don't really know how to feel about this. Must be another blog post one of the upcoming days :)
To end this off: some more pictures from the Christmas Dinner, all taken by Evelina (Sweden)

Back row from left: Mia (Germany), Kristoffer (Denmark), Lynette (Uganda), Polo (China), Rikke, Christine and Marianne (Norway)
Front row from left: Viktorije (Latvia), Ibrahim (Sweden)

First year economics students and Rudy (in front) our teacher
(I wasn't there)
Dit hår er blevet så langt! Hvor er det flot <3