Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back to ...

I think the biggest discussion, in my head, at the moment, is what to call this place. Norway, Flekke, RCN, college, school, as we say in Danish "kært barn har mange navne" (loved child has many names.) But what is it? Is it home? Yes, it's my home, at least for now. This is not saying that Denmark isn't my home, 'cause it will always be the home; the place I grew up and most importantly, the place with my family and friends. But I will still dare, cross a line, and say "I'm home."
Why? If you've read my previous posts, you will know how much this place is for me. Secondly, it is where I live! And third, but not least, I truly believe that "Home is where the heart is". And though, as earlier mentioned, my heart will always be in Denmark, so not only is it physically here, at RCN, Flekke, Norway, but part of it is also here psychically.

So with that being cleared out and me being home, I'm going to update a little from the travel.

Saturday morning, a group of 7, including myself, left Copenhagen airport and about an hour later, landed in Bergen. Here, the group got bigger, but also split ago, since some stayed in the airport and waited for others, some took the college bus back, and me and a group took the public ferry and bus. (We made it here first ;))

Here's a little update on my unpacking! Though I never took a finished picture..

I cannot wait for the the last people to arrive and the week (and school) to begin. Here's to another term of surprises, experiences and tons of good times!

Take care and enjoy a couple of pictures from my corner.

1 comment:

  1. Måske man kan sige, at hjertet bliver større hver gang man får brug for mere kærlighed og flere steder at holde af? Forstår du, hvad jeg mener? :)
