Thursday, May 31, 2012

Study, trips and sunshine!

I suck, I know it! You are probably wondering what happened to the more the less active blogger. I have one answer: IB! Now I don't want to make it sound worse than it is, but first year exams came up and they are quite important for university applications so within days my studying went from this:

To this! 

It was a bit chaotic because my physics and economics tests were on the same day, so it was no life, lots of notes, coffee and desperate methods, but I survived right? Now if it wasn't for IAs, EE and so on (those who knows the IB will get me) I would have had my life back by now :) 

Since that, the second years left. Saturday, May 19th. One of the saddest days of my life and the following days as well, but it also brought us first years closer. I started hanging out with people I hadn't talked to much since the beginning of the year and we didn't study much. At the same time the sun came out and gave us about 26 degrees and full sun every day! That helped us get the thoughts off of things too and we went for a lot of walks and hung out in the sun. 

Then the assignments came back, but I think we're all agreeing that our minds have gone on an early summer break. Even thought the last day of classes isn't until Thursday, we have had special days all this week with only two blocks a day; from 8-10 and 10:30-12:30. This allows the different ToK groups to go on an overnight trip to a farm not far away. I am going tomorrow night! 

Yesterday we went to Bergen with the Nordic classes. We went to a museum and then we had four hours off. Kris and I walked up to a view point and saw the city from above. 

On the way we saw a snake! I think we both got a bit shocked. We also saw to road construction signs in the middle of this path and there was definitely no construction in sight. Crazy Norwegians! :) 
We ate a nice dinner (not Kantina food) and then we all met again to see a dance show between Norwegian folk dance and Chinese Kong Fu (I think). 

Lot's of other things have happened, but I will try to get at least one more update in before I leave campus in 8 days :) 

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