These last two weeks have been a good mix. Firstly, I worked until my brain almost exploded; handed in my Extended Essay, other assignments and did my best on big tests. Last week I moved myself and my things into the library and spend every break from classes and every left-over minute in the little study-booth I had occupied. Ironically, I was the person who said all last year that I would not study in the library and much more preferred a classroom, but after giving the library a chance for the first time, I actually came to like it. It came as a big shock to many; not only me :)
Christine and I were also trying to find out what to do for a fun break in small-village Flekke and coming up with free things, that doesn't require you to be outside in the cold! Sometimes demands a bit of creativity.
Now, I don't want my life to sound horrible, because it is really quiet perfect. All the hard work last week payed off well and for the last couple of days I have been relaxing, sleeping lots at night and then napping in the afternoon, hung out with friends, gone to birthdays, baked the muffins that Rikke (Norway) and I bought the mix for in intro week. I have relaxed! Now I feel re-charged and ready to follow my plan for assignments and studying the next couple of months until November and Christmas break. I feel like I have it under good control and I just need to work a little every day for it to work out.
So not much is new in "The World of Mette" (except for maybe this guy staring at me)
Shakespeare is a little better with a cup of coffee and some of my newly bought fruit and yogurt.
Tomorrow a team from school (including myself) are playing soccer against the local high-school from Dale. It's apparently been years since there was last such a game, because the Dale team used to beat us so badly that they didn't see it as a real challenge. Let's hope we can change that! This match is in celebration of the International Peace Day (every year on September 21st!). We are having a special day and celebration here all day tomorrow, so I will update more on that post the day. As of now we should get both media coverage here and at the soccer field! Maybe I will be on the Norwegian News tomorrow? Let's hope I don't embarrass myself more than necessary :)
Overall, I am happy as.. zoo animal getting food?
Hope you will share the Peace Day with us and maybe help spread the message? You can take part and read more through this link:
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