Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Football with disabled

Today I got into the EAC (extra academic commitments) that I've been hoping to: football with disabled. There was 4 spots, 2 boys and 2 girl, and we were about twice as many people who wanted it, so we drew a stick and luckily I got in!

This means that I for the two years here, will go to Dale and play football together with 3 other first-years, four second years and about five handicapped (mentally though.) It was a lot of fun, especially because I think football is a fun game, but I suck at it :) In this way we can have fun, but it's really more about passing the ball to them and letting them shoot at the goal and have fun.

Other than this I am in the Amnesty International group and Friday Ball Games, where I play badminton, but these two EAC's are only for this term, then I can pick new ones or continue.

I also went to a presentation, that a RCN 06 graduate held about life after UWC, dreams and reality and what to do. It was really interesting, but also really long. I went straight from that to a meeting with some first years, trying to decide where to go for November break. I think we're gonna go to Prague, but some are still arguing for Amsterdam. We'll find out for sure on Friday.

I hope to post some pictures tomorrow.
So long,

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