Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First year: done! (Almost)

It's coming to an end, the first 10 months at RCN. Classes ended on Tuesday, I finished packing today and on Friday night we'll be in a buss on our way to somewhere else. Some stay in Norway, some visit friends and most go home for a while.
I am going to call this my Summer vacation of 2012, but I shouldn't. A break is nice, but we cannot forget the studying. Assignments are hitting hard and if we want to not overload and basically kill ourselves next term, we gotta try and get some of them out of the way over the Summer. So why am I still calling it a vacation? Because in a week and some hours I am leaving the home I just came back to and heading to the airport where 5½ weeks of vacation are waiting for me! I am off for two weeks in Venezuela to visit that one boy :) And then on the road/in the air? Again, for three+ weeks in amazing Indiana.
Then I head back for a couple of days in Copenhagen before I hit the road with my parents and go to our Summer House and hopefully there I'll get some studying done (in the sun!???)

I must admit it was some organizing getting a year packed down and away, so it could wait nicely for me in the shed behind Sweden House but after hours and hours I succeeded! 3 bags, a suitcase and two small boxes! Wheeew. Follow some of the process in the pictures :)

This is what my wall looked like in the beginning of this term

So it is a little sad seeing it like this! 

But I am more excited than ever to go home and for my Americas Trip!

I hope everyone will have a great summer!
Nos vemos en agosto!

First-year Mette :)

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