Sunday, November 13, 2011


Prague, what can I say? .. Wow!

4 nights and 4 days and I'm amazed. It must definitely be one of my new favorite European cities.
We saw the old town, shopped a lot, walked everywhere=killed our feet, saw less touristy, but more cultural places, ate Czech food and so on.

We arrived to our Hostel (Emma Hostel) at Monday, just before midnight. The hostel was perfect for the price. It had great internet, free luggage storage which was helpful the last day, when we checked out at 10:30am, but shouldn't go to the airport until 4pm. We didn't stay much at the hostel though. We tried to wake up early every morning and then we just went out, mostly just with a little idea of where to go.
The first day we decided to go the castle, so we did and from there we just explored.
Every time we walked home, we would try and take a new way and it just felt really great to explore on our own. The second day was spent shopping and exploring the newer, more modern part of the city. The third day was spent by our hostel and then we met Karolina who was also an exchange student at Mooresville High 09-10 and she showed us her school and more traditional places + a hill with the most beautiful overview of the city!
The last day was spent going back to places and just walking around one last time.

I would definitely recommend everybody to go! Grab a map, just in case you get lost, and then just walk around. Prague is cheap and I think everyone who goes there gets surprised by the architecture! It's indescribable!
We went there without much ideas of what was even there. Then we grabbed brochures at the hostel and tried it out. It was a really nice way of travelling - really made you feel free! (Before going back to school and commitments :))

(Pictures are coming!)

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