Friday, December 16, 2011

Drunk Danes

So the thing is, I miss walking down the street of Student Village and everyone on the way saying hi! I miss people smiling to each other, no matter if they disagree on things. I miss people hugging each other when they're down, even if they barely talk, just because we all care.
It might seem arrogant and useless, but I think those little things in life makes us happier each day. I also think smiling at people you maybe don't like too much, makes you think and in some way give them a chance. Who knows - some day they might surprise you.

I've been thinking about it, and this is my observation of Denmark.
We don't sit next to each other on the buss, train, bench in a park, you name it, because why would we start a conversation with a stranger, when we most likely won't ever see them again? We don't hold the doors for each other and we don't smile! Don't get me wrong, because of course some people do, but this is stereotyping.
In Denmark, each person live in their own little bubble and if I don't know you, please stay out of my bubble. Then at night, when we go out to have some fun, it's like this bubble gets some holes. Some holes closes very quickly and categorizes as "creeper" or "killer".. Others open more and more, as some people meet new friends or one night flings. And then some holes just stay open as they are. They talk and socialize just fine, but when it comes down to actually meeting new people, it's not the thing.

My question is:
why is it that we're so scared to meet new people, to open up and to give a little of ourselves (when we're sober.)

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